How to Simplify Your Captioning Workflow

June 14, 2018 BY 3MEDIAWEB
Updated: August 24, 2023

If complex workflows are your biggest challenge, then use these tips to simplify your captioning workflow.

Adding captions is a process, but that doesn’t mean it should be complex.

Through integrations, API workflows, and centralization, you can make the captioning process simpler.

Set Up an Integration to Simplify Your Captioning Worflow

Integrations link disparate systems or platforms to make it easy to share information and build workflows between the two.

Integrations are designed to simplify and automate the captioning process.

Instead of having to upload captions yourself, integrations will automatically do it for you.

For example, this is a complex captioning process:

WITHOUT AN INTEGRATION. one, login to 3play, then upload video, then submit for captioning, then wait until captions are complete, next login to 3play again, download caption file, login in to video platform, then upload video, next upload captions, and finally publish!

Why is this complex? There are too many steps, it requires manual labor, and it takes a lot of time.

Now, this is what a simple captioning workflow looks like:

ith an integration, login to your video platform or 3play account, upload your video or search for your video on your 3play account, tag 3play media to submit for captioning, we'll create the captions and automatically post them back to your account, we will then notify you when the process is complete, but you don't have to do anything else. you're video is ready to be viewed!

Notice how you don’t have to upload and re-upload your video or download then upload your captions? Also, notice how you don’t have to wait around for the caption file to be complete?

Integrations simplify your captioning workflow by:

  • Allowing you to request captions directly from your video player
  • Eliminating the need to enter the account system
  • Eliminating the need to upload your video twice (once into the account system and then in your video player)
  • Automating the process of uploading captions

With an integration, all you have to do is request captions on the video you need them for. Nothing else.

At 3Play we integrate with 26 video platforms and 3 major cloud storage solutions. Check out our integrations.

Build an API Workflow to Simplify Your Captioning Workflow

Using an Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to automate tasks.

APIs allow two computers to interact with each other by passing data and commands.


APIs are completely customizable, and you can easily design one that meets your specific needs – like your captioning needs.

API workflows can help simplify your captioning workflow because you can:

  • Design workflows that meet your specific needs
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Reduce costs
  • Reduce labor hours
  • Reduce workflow complexity

With the 3Play API, you can manage all your captioning jobs. You can easily request captions, and also download finished captions. The 3Play API will also notify your system when the captions are complete.

Centralize the Captioning Process to Simplify Your Captioning Workflow

Many educational institutions help manage captioning through centralization.

They have a department, like the Disability Services Department, that handles all captioning requests.

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This same strategy can be applied to all organizations.

Simply have a designated individual, team, or department that handles captioning for videos. Teammates or departments that need captioning can submit their video requests to the “Captioning Department,” which then is in charge of submitting and uploading captions.

Having a centralized captioning workflow at your organization will also help avoid last minute captioning requests. By injecting captioning into the post-production process, your workflow becomes lighter and easier to manage. Plus, you’ll save a ton of money.

This strategy helps to simplify your captioning workflow by:

  • Creating a single method for universal captioning in your organization
  • Eliminating time spent by your employees to figure out captioning
  • Divides the captioning steps among multiple employees
  • Injects captioning into the post-production workflow to help avoid last minute captioning

Captioning Doesn’t Have to be Complex

Find the solution that meets your organization’s needs, then begin implementing it.

In addition, take time to train your employees so that they don’t feel overwhelmed.

Captioning doesn’t have to be a complex workflow – there are easy solutions out there.

At 3Play, we make video accessibility easy. Click to find out how we can simplify your captioning workflow.