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People with disabilities have diverse experiences and identities that intersect with other aspects of their lives, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, and more. Disability is not a single identity, but rather a complex and multi-dimensional one that is influenced by many factors.
Throughout this session, we will explore the intersectionality of disability and how it affects the experiences of people with disabilities. We will discuss the unique challenges faced by people with disabilities from different backgrounds and how to create inclusive environments that take into account the complexity of their identities to ensure their needs are met. During this session, we will primarily focus on the intersection of disability with race, culture, gender, and experience.
Pronouns: she/her
Ela Callow is the Director of the Office of Disability Access and Compliance and Chief ADA/504 Compliance Officer for the University of California, Berkeley. She has a J.D. from Berkeley School of Law and has practiced law since 2001. Prior to working for UC Berkeley, Ms. Callow served for 12 years as Legal Director for the National Center on Parents with Disabilities and their Families, a NIDILRR funded research, policy and legislative program. She has written federal reports, peer-reviewed articles, and book chapters on the topics of disability rights, the intersection of disability/indigenous nations, and the parenting rights of persons with disabilities in the U.S. judicial system.
Ms. Callow has organized and keynoted national and international disability parenting rights conferences, participated in White House panels on eugenics, disability, tribal nations and child welfare, and successfully participated in multiple state legislative efforts to increase protections for parents with disabilities and their children.
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