[VIDEO] These Are the Faces Behind the Screen
If you haven’t been following our storytelling project – Faces Behind the Screen – now is the time to get on board!
This project started out in early 2017, and over the last year Faces Behind the Screen has really come into its own. Faces Behind the Screen is run by 3Play Media, but it’s important to us that it has the ability to stand on its own. In order to make this happen, we’ve given Faces Behind the Screen a new dedicated brand of its own with unique colors, a logo, and a more inclusive slogan: “Accessibility Stories from the Community.”
I’m New to This – What Is Faces Behind the Screen?
Inspired by the popular photo-interview project Humans of New York, we first launched FBTS to spread awareness about web accessibility. Through photos and interviews, we have been able to share many unique stories that give everyday people a face, a voice, and an opportunity to share their story and perspective.
Our aim is to simply connect the world with these stories, offer a new perspective, create dialogue, and remind everyone that the world wide web, including websites, apps, and other digital interfaces, needs to be accessible for everyone – including people with disabilities.
Get connected!
Part of creating this new brand entailed a new look on the homepage and dedicated social accounts. Are you following Faces Behind the Screen (FBTS) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? If you’re not, it’s ok. Take a minute now to connect! We promise – we’ll wait.
Now that you’re back – and connected with us on social – here’s a peek at our old homepage and new homepage.
If you’ve been a longtime fan of the project, you may have noticed that our new homepage has a lot more to offer. For instance, you can subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter right from the page, or nominate yourself or someone else to be part of the project!
Speaking of the newsletter, we’ve created a monthly e-newsletter so that all of our interviewees and fans can stay more connected to us, FBTS, and each other. The newsletter allows us to connect, share unique stories, and build a
Video, video, video
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video is priceless. That’s why we recently started incorporating video into our FBTS interviews. We interviewed Kerry Thompson and DJ Supalee, and recently we had the honor of interviewing four incredible and highly accomplished individuals. Discover what they have to say about accessibility in the video below:
Check out more video interviews with Kerry, a salsa dancer who is gradually losing more of her sight, and Leyland, a DJ who lost his hearing.
Visit Faces Behind the Screen to check out more stories, sign up for the newsletter, share your story, or nominate a friend!