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The 3Play Way: AIM Integration for Real-Time Captioning [TRANSCRIPT]

KELLY MAHONEY: Thank you, everyone, for joining us for today’s session on “The 3Play Way– the AIM Integration for Real Time Captioning.” Before we meet today’s speakers and dive into the presentation, I’d like to just introduce myself and take care of a couple of housekeeping items.

My name is Kelly. I’m on the marketing team here at 3Play Media, and I’ll be moderating today’s session. Just a quick self-description– I’m a young white woman with my hair clipped back wearing a white collared shirt today.

So with all of that taken care of, I’m happy to introduce today’s speakers, Daria Ferdine and Stephanie Laing. So with that, I’ll pass it off to both of you for what I’m sure will be a great presentation.

DARIA FERDINE: Amazing. Hello, everyone. My name is Daria. I am a white Caucasian female with light brown hair wearing a yellow shirt today. I work as a product manager for 3Play Media, specifically focusing on our education verticals growth.

STEPHANIE LAING: Hi. And I’m Steph. I’m a white Caucasian woman with brown hair and glasses. And I’m a director of product management here at 3Play. And I lead the development of our live captioning offering, also known as our real-time captioning offering. And with that, I’ll hand it back to Daria to get things kicked off.

DARIA FERDINE: Perfect. Thanks, Kelly. So thank you all so much for joining us this afternoon. We are so excited to talk you through our AIM integration to give you some context around where we are coming from here at 3Play Media, highlight best practices, walk you through some exciting new features, and, of course, give you a sneak peek into where we are going next.

So we’re going to have time for questions at the tail end of our agenda today. So if anything immediate comes to mind mid-presentation, as Kelly mentioned, please feel free to submit those questions into the chat, and we’ll be sure to answer as many as possible in real time for you today.

Perfect. So to level-set our audience, we wanted to take you through a look at live captioning here at 3Play Media. Please note that throughout our presentation, we will be using real-time captioning and live captioning interchangeably today.

3Play Media was founded in 2008 by four MIT graduate students researching affordable ways to make video accessible through innovative technology. We serve more than 10,000 customers across multiple industries, including education, of course, media and entertainment, government, and enterprise corporations.

Our solution helps customers to increase the value of their online videos by making them accessible, usable, searchable, and SEO-friendly. Since 2008, we have developed premium closed captioning transcription, real-time captioning, audio description, and localization services, always with a north star of making processes more efficient and less expensive for our customers.

In 2021, we introduced a new service offering that we like to call live captioning. At the height of the pandemic, our edu customers were quickly adapting and moving classes onto Zoom and other online platforms. The need to figure out how to order and manage captioning accommodations both remotely and scalably became an increasing need.

As classes have now shifted back to a mix of in-person and hybrid, the need to support captions scalably has still remained. We know that automated speech recognition technology may offer automated captioning solutions, but what we have found is for schools who value a commitment to quality and effectiveness, that human reliance for captioning remains to be key.

You hit the next slide there, Kelly? Thank you.

With a mindset on how to continue to best empower our edu customer base, in 2023 we developed an exclusive captioning partnership with our friends at AIM. AIM is a web-based system that provides a means for DRC staff to communicate and interact with faculty and disabled students, all from one robust platform. Our integration with AIM dramatically reduces the administrative overhead of scheduling live captioning services for classroom accommodations.

What we’ve built together between AIM and 3Play has been an incredibly exciting solution to the challenge of ordering and managing captions for DRC teams. This has allowed us to meet teams where they are and has ultimately provided the highest quality of accommodation to so many students.

For those who were unable, actually, to attend our most recent Spotlight Chat, Scaling Disability Services with UC Berkeley DSP– Kelly is going to share the link in the chat below– Trina and Alicia share some incredible insights on how this integration has streamlined and scaled their operations firsthand. Bookmark it. It’s definitely worth the watch following this webinar today.

What we’re really excited about is continuing to invest in doubling down our integrated services within AIM and ultimately being able to expand and reach that scale. This includes building our ordering capabilities to not only exclusively live captioning, but also a post-production captioning option for the video requests all directly within AIM.

But I’m jumping ahead here, aren’t I, Steph, just a little? I’m going to pass it back to Steph for a deeper look into why we are all here today, to walk through our newly-released real-time features.

STEPHANIE LAING: Wonderful. Thanks, Daria. So before we dive into the demo, I want to just take a moment to anchor ourselves in the problems that we’re solving. So we’re trying to take a customer-centric view and building features that hopefully make your life easier and hopefully are a delight to use. So in talking to and learning from our customers that are in education, we were really seeing three categories of challenges that our customers here were facing, though noting that these problems aren’t just specific to schools. These are problems that all industries face. And our aim really is to lift the entire market in creating a solution to provide more availability to captions for all industries.

So the first challenge that we were seeing was ordering and managing captions. So legacy email-based ordering and management really makes it difficult for schools to manage captions. You’re sending an email into a void. How do you know if something has been received or scheduled? And the integration that we built with AIM, and you’ll see in the demo, has gone a long way in solving for this. It allows customers to schedule captions for an entire semester with just a few clicks and to be able to manage captions for that course right through AIM. And for customers that don’t use AIM, 3Play also has a self-service platform that allows customers to place, edit, and cancel orders, and to see the status of those orders in real time. And, really, the goal is to empower schools and administrators with the transparency and the tool sets needed to really effectively manage accommodations.

The second challenge we were seeing was scalability. So a lot of schools are using on-site captioners, and that translates into limited capacity– so needing to hire more captioners in order to meet demand, which takes time and resources– and also high management overhead of those captioners. So you need to get the captioner to the right place at the right time to actually caption the class.

And 3Play’s scalable pool of remote captioners inherently solves this problem. We have new captioners that are training and coming online continuously, and we’re conducting special trainings for specific subject matter, like medicine, or law, or STEM subjects.

And then beyond captioner capacity, we’re reducing management overhead. A core tenet of our live captioning platform is empowering customers with the tools and workflows needed to manage independently, and that includes our self-service platform and also key integrations to meet customers where they’re already working. And our AIM integration represents the main example of that for live captioning.

And the third challenge we were seeing was support. So in supporting a live captioning event, as I’m sure many of you know, there are a lot of moving parts that have to come together for a successful live event. And our support team has very strict SLAs that we follow to ensure timely responses when not everything goes according to plan.

And additionally, a big part of support is just getting to the right person at the right time. And we’ve built additional support contact capture through our AIM integration to ensure that we’re getting to the right people that can actually help in the event of a problem. And based on feedback, we may explore some additional proactive support communication to these support contacts in the future.

So before we dive into the demo, I would like to do a quick poll. So noting, as I’m sure many of you are aware, AIM is in the process of transitioning customers from version 4 to version 5 of their platform. And we are hoping to understand which version of AIM you’re planning to use for this fall semester, noting that some of you may be in the process of transitioning now, but noting we want to know which version you’ll be using this fall.

So are you on version 4? Are you on version 5? And if you’re not sure or you aren’t using AIM at this time, you can also indicate that. And, Kelly, I’m not sure I have access to the results as they’re coming in, so if you can call that out, that would be fantastic.

KELLY MAHONEY: Oh no, I would love to call it out. So we’re getting lots of responses. Actually, everyone answered.


KELLY MAHONEY: I think we can end the poll, and then you should be able to see it. Can you see it now?

STEPHANIE LAING: Let’s see. Great. So we have a few folks that aren’t sure, and we have basically a few more people using version 5 than using version 4. So kind of an even mix. Nice. Awesome.

So as we dive into the demo, wanting to note that we are demonstrating version 5 of AIM, because we have some new features that are recently released in version 5 only. Version 4 still has the core 3Play AIM integration where you can assign and still cancel captions for a course. But in order to take advantage of these new features in version 5, for those folks who are still on version 4, you can contact AIM if you’d like to explore migrating to 5 a bit earlier. So for example, UC-Berkeley is currently on version 4, but they’re looking to migrate to version 5 a bit earlier to take advantage of the new features that you guys are about to see.

And then, for folks that don’t have AIM and would like to use this integration, we’ll provide contact info for AIM at the end of the presentation. And in the meantime, ordering and management is also available directly through the 3Play platform for live captions.

So we’ll demo the integration in a few sections. First, we’ll talk about prerequisites– so what do you need in order to use the integration? Then we’ll talk about account setup and support contacts. Next we’ll look at assigning and managing the accommodation– so think assigning, editing, canceling, those sorts of actions. And then lastly, we’ll take a peek at the student experience.

So diving in– prerequisites. Noting first that the 3Play integration with AIM is available for live professional captions, also known as human-produced captions. We don’t currently support auto captions through our AIM integration. However, the 3Play platform does support auto captions. If you need them, you can feel free to log into 3Play directly.

Another note, and let me go ahead and start sharing my screen– so the 3Play integration with AIM– OK, are folks seeing my screen? Excellent. So the 3Play integration with AIM lives in the Communication Access module within AIM. And that is visible right here. When I hover over it, you can see Communication Access, noting that this is an add-on feature within AIM. So if you don’t see this when you log in, you can talk to aim to get this enabled in your account so that you can use the integration.

So moving into account setup, first, we need to do a one-time setup to allow AIM to communicate with replay in the background. In AIM version 5, which is what we’re looking at here, this integration can be done independently, noting in version 4, it’s just a few more steps on the back end for 3Play and AIM.

So the first step is to actually log into your 3Play account. So I’m in my 3Play account here. I’ll navigate to Settings, and then navigate to the API Access Module within Settings. And I will create an API key. And this basically allows AIM to communicate securely with 3Play behind the scenes so that you don’t have to.

So I will create an API access key here. I’ll call it the AIM API Key. And I will give it access to my 3Play project. I don’t want to give it access to the full account. It’s important that it’s limited to the project, because this is indicating where you want live captions scheduled in your 3Play project, versus the entire account. So I will Create Access.

Fantastic. So I can see I’ve created the API key, and then I will click on View Key. I will copy and paste this, or copy it to my clipboard. And then from here, this is the last thing that I should need to do in 3Play. So I will navigate back to AIM.

And then from AIM, I will go down to Controls and find Third Party API Keys. And I’m going to select Add New Type. And then under provider, I’ll select 3Play.

And here, I will name the API key in AIM. This API key is connected to my 3Play project. So to help me remember that, I will just name the API key the name of my 3Play project, which I think was 3Play Product. So that’s what I will call it– 3Play Product.

And then I will paste the API key here and select my time zone. And this ensures that the events that are scheduled from AIM are at the correct time in 3Play.

And then from there, I will click Add Entry. Awesome. So I can see that was successfully completed. And now that the API key is added, we can give it a little test. So I’ll just choose this API key. And I will give it a test. And it basically just pings the 3Play to say, hey, does this key work to communicate? If I say Test Current API Key, cool. So I can see that actually that was not added properly.

So I know that that’s not working, and I can follow up with AIM. And if I test another key– go back to my keys. I’ll select one that I added a few days ago, and I’ll give that one a test. Fantastic. So I can see that was successful. So this tells me, yep, I am ready to schedule captions for that specific project.

All right. So the last part of account setup is setting up an AIM support contract. So we recognize that while an administrator or accessibility coordinator wants visibility into support issues, they may not be the best person to reach out to in the moment for a support issue, like during a class. So we’ve created space for two support contacts within our AIM integration.

The first is managed at the AIM account level. So this contact will be CC’d on all support communication. And then the second is a support contact that’s managed at the course level. So if there’s a TA or classroom services that are appropriate to contact for that specific course, you’ll be able to note that when scheduling the course. And we’ll see that a little bit later in the demo.

So what we’ll see here is, I’ll navigate to Controls under Main Controls, and navigate to Third Party Settings. This is where that AIM account level support contact is managed. So I’ll note the email address. I can note the phone number. And then I can elect to make this contact information available to students if you prefer that the student communication flow through this support contact. So that’s possible there.

So now that we have AIM set up to basically talk to 3Play on the back end and the support contact configured, let’s schedule captions for a course. So I will navigate to my accommodation requests and click List Requests.

And under this list, I can see the request status, so what accommodations are being requested. And I can also see the assignment status, so whether that request has been matched to a resource yet. So I will navigate down to my test assignment. And I will click View.

So this gives me all of the information about the course. And then under Assignments is where I’ll be able to assign that course to 3Play. So under the Assignment Type, I can elect to assign it to an internal resource or a third party assignment, which represents 3Play here given our integration. So I’ll select Third Party Assignment and then click Add Assignment.

And from here, we’ll fill out all the fields that 3Play would need to schedule captions on the back end. So this account field maps to the project in 3Play that you’d need to schedule captions in. So I’ll select 3Play Media Standard. That’s the project that I had integrated a few days ago.

And then the time slots are the days that the course occurs. And you can select a specific subset of the days of the course that will need captions, or you could include all of the days. So in this case, I will include all of them.

And then for meeting information, this represents the information that the 3Play captioner will need to be able to access the classroom audio. So for example, we often see Zoom links here in this field. And then this support contact info here. I’ll write “test Zoom link” here.

And then the classroom support email, this is what we touched on earlier. So this is the support contact that is managed at the course level. So again, if there’s a TA, classroom services, or even a student that are appropriate for 3Play support to contact for the specific course, you can note that here.

And then lastly, under Additional Information, this is any additional info that would be helpful for our captioners to have to prepare for the course to provide accurate and high quality captions. So this could include speaker names, or it could include course-specific vocabulary.

All right. So I think I have– and I’ll note myself as the support contact. And then I will send the assignment to 3Play. All right. Perfect. So I can see that has been successfully sent.

Also noting that on this Overview page, you have a total audit trail of all of the previous assignments for that course. And I use this course to test a lot, so you can see a lot of canceled assignments here. So that’s what those represent.

So from here, this is the link to view the captions that are transmitted live during each class. And this is a static link that follows the student across all of the instances of that class for the course. And this link links to all of the transcripts that are available after each class has been captioned.

So if, for whatever reason, say we have scheduled or assigned the course to 3Play during the add-drop period and the student actually drops the class, we can cancel captions for the entire course here from this button. Or, for example, if the audio access information changes after the course has already been assigned to 3Play, we can click into Modify here, and I can change this test Zoom link to a new Zoom link. And it can just be updated in-line here. And I’ll update and Resend Assignment.

Wonderful. And then if I go back into Modify, I can see my new Zoom link is represented there. Additionally, if, say, the professor is out sick or they have a scheduled vacation for one of the instances of the class, you can go in and cancel specific instances of the class, if that’s desired.

Cool. So that is the process for scheduling and managing live captions for a course. Noting that in AIM, in addition to supporting accommodation requests for courses, students and faculty can also submit accommodation requests for non-course events like seminars or guest speakers. And the process is the same as assigning accommodation for a course.

So those accommodation requests are called “custom requests,” and they’re available here. And same process as for the course. We’ll click List Requests. We can see the requests, we’ll view them, and then we’ll just scroll down to Third Party Assignment here. And it’s the exact same subset of fields as for a course. You’ll select the 3Play project, the meeting information, and the support information.

So lastly, we’ll take a peek at the student view. So once the course has been assigned to 3Play from the administrator view, this is what it looks like for a student. All right, let’s see if my login here works.

All right, so I’ll sign in. And then I will navigate to Communication Access. And then from here I can see the link to view my live captions during the class, and I can also see a link to view transcripts for classes that have been completed. And this link allows me to access the AIM account support contact for classroom support.

And with that, that concludes the demo. I’ll hand it back to Daria to talk a little bit more about our product roadmap and what exciting features we have coming soon.

DARIA FERDINE: Amazing. Thanks, Steph. That was awesome. Perfect.

So what is next? Again, like I said, this is a few places moving forward that you’ll best be able to connect with the 3Play team. A few of our team members will be walking the floor at the Ahead Conference next month in Baltimore. If you are there, we would absolutely love to connect. We love hearing about your fall initiatives and always welcome feedback to what you’re seeing as pain points or best practices at your school.

Like Kelly and team teased earlier, I’m excited to be able to share to this group. Please keep an eye out in the coming weeks for a personal invite to our 3Play Way webinar highlighting our AIM-recorded workflow development.

And then lastly, I cannot emphasize this enough that we are here to help. We know that you’re gearing up for the fall semester, and accommodation scheduling is right around the corner. Everyone take a deep breath. We are right there with you. Our 2024 goal here at 3Play is to empower as many higher education teams as possible to make this your most competent live captioning semester yet.

We’re working towards captioning hundreds of courses at a time, and we are more than happy to walk through a test run with your accommodation staff, professors, even bring those students if you think it’s helpful.

In the coming weeks leading up to that fall semester, again, if a test run is of interest, please reach out to your 3Play account manager directly, or to me, Daria@3PlayMedia. That’s D-A-R-I-A at 3PlayMedia.com.

The first step to success is making sure that integration is on. And we’re more than happy, again, to walk you through that we’re gearing up for what’s no doubt just going to be a great time for the edu community. And we’re so excited to work with your teams to get those processes streamlined.

With that, we’re right at that 30 mark. Nailed it. I think now at this point, we’re going to switch over to some questions.

KELLY MAHONEY: Yes, that was perfect. Thank you so much. Daria spelled out her email, and it’s also now being shared onscreen if you want to take that down. We’re definitely here to help, just like she said.

So we did get a lot of really great questions. I can see Stephanie has already been active in the chat– super helpful. Thank you so much. I’m going to just repeat the questions that have already been answered for everyone’s benefit here.

So Denise asks, will the captioner send the transcript to the student after the class? And Stephanie shared with us, all of the transcripts for previous live events are available to both the student and the admin within the AIM platform. And from the marketing side, I would say that once you have those transcripts in hand, they’re really great for things like derivative content. Students love to use them as study guides, you know, repurpose those materials as outlines. So that’s taking it a step further, obviously. But those are made available.

Second question we have answered is from Deirdre, asking for a little bit more clarity on what this process actually looks like. And so Stephanie demystified this for us.

3Play is the live captioning provider, and we would represent that third party within AIM. We can provide captions for both in-person as well as remote and online classes. We just need the access to that classroom audio. So we deliver to a second screen URL. Just as long as you can let us in, we can get it done somehow.

So now, let’s dive into the live questions. Let me get these other two talking here. We have another question– how would we know that the request for captions was accepted? Is there a possibility for the request not to be accepted? Maybe, Stephanie, we should start off with you since you’re already on a roll?

STEPHANIE LAING: Yeah, for sure. So if there’s an issue with the integration, you’ll get an error message in AIM. In terms of matching the classes to captioners, our match rate is like 99 point, I think, 8 percent. So we will reach out to you proactively if, for whatever reason, we can’t source a captioner to your class or to your course.

Additionally, in 3Play, we provide a status indication of each instance of the class for that course, whether it has been matched to a captioner. So you can see in real time whether a captioner has been assigned to that– or, sorry, has matched to that class. And we also have a feature on the 3Play side available to our captioners that allows them to claim an entire course’s worth of captions.

We know that from a caption quality perspective, and also from a captioner perspective, they prefer to be able to work on and go deeply into a single subject matter for a semester. So often, captioners will claim an entire semester’s worth of courses for a student.

KELLY MAHONEY: I’m glad you brought up captioners. I actually have a question related to that as well. What does the 3Play captioner network look like? Who are the individuals that are actually behind the work that we’re doing?

STEPHANIE LAING: So we have many dozens of highly-trained captioners that we train on our proprietary software. And we often, for education customers specifically, do a lot of subject matter training. So we’re seeing subjects like medicine, law, STEM come up time and time again. And we see the need to do more specialized training. So we offer that to captioners that are interested in qualifying for that content.

KELLY MAHONEY: Great. You are really on a roll with these segues here. You’re making it super easy for me. I was going to ask you how 3Play handles courses with really difficult or highly technical content? Is it really based around that training? Or is there anything further you could give us there?

STEPHANIE LAING: Yeah. It’s based around training, but also, in that Additional Information section within the AIM integration, if there are prep materials that are available, like a syllabus or speaker notes that the professor has, you can provide that through AIM, or you can send it to 3Play directly. Any preparatory materials that you can provide us will help ensure that the captions are more accurate.

KELLY MAHONEY: Great. Thank you so much. Maybe we’ll give you a break. I’m not sure who to lob this next question to, but let’s see. We have Maria asking, is there any special equipment that is needed to provide the students with in order to give access to that classroom audio? Could either of you just tell us a little bit more about, what’s the hardware needed to make this process happen?

DARIA FERDINE: Steph’s on the roll, and I’m going to pass her the butter. I know this is your thing.

STEPHANIE LAING: Sure. So we see a tremendous amount of variation in how schools prefer to capture audio. One of the most common setups we see is a professor wearing a Bluetooth mic and the student selecting that Bluetooth mic as an input to Zoom. There are free versions of Zoom. There are paid versions of Zoom. Many schools already have Zoom licenses, and it’s very easy for our captioners to just join the Zoom and get access to the professor’s audio that way.

DARIA FERDINE: Just doubling down on that, that’s what the test run is for as well. So if you have any hesitations about your audio quality or how you’re getting that audio stream to us, let’s test it out. One mic that works for a certain school isn’t necessarily going to work for another school just based on classroom sizes, your speaker projection, and certain aspects like that.

KELLY MAHONEY: That’s a great callout. Testing, certainly, it’s halfway to the whole production. But we are not opposed to helping out with that in any way, shape, or form. When it comes to we’ve tested, the event has been ordered, and now we are trying to match a captioner to that course or that event– how are users notified of either the name or the contact info of that assigned captioner? Are they put in contact with them in advance? Or is it just sort of as the class starts?

STEPHANIE LAING: So the 3Play platform will display in real time whether the class has been matched to a captioner. And then in terms of accessing 3Play, we have all communication flow through our support team. They’re available 24/7.

In advance of the class, you can email them. And as the class is starting up, we provide live chat 24/7 that’s also available.

KELLY MAHONEY: Perfect. All right, the next question we have here, we’re going back a little bit to the communication access feature, Steph, that you mentioned in the demo. Is this something that’s automatically included when you are an AIM user? Is that an additional purchase add-on? What does it take to get that module?

STEPHANIE LAING: Great question, and thank you for asking that and clarifying. It is an add-on feature. So you’ll need to talk to AIM to get that feature enabled. It’s not available out of the box.

KELLY MAHONEY: OK. Gotcha. Glad we flagged that one.


KELLY MAHONEY: Next up, we have, when will post-production video captioning integration in AIM go live? Can you give us a little more insight on that side of things? Pull the curtain back for us.

DARIA FERDINE: Yeah, absolutely. We can give a little sneak peek, but it will be this summer. Version 1 will be this summer.

With that version 1, we are also looking for user feedback. So when that version 1 hits your platform and you do have initial thoughts, feedback, hype-ups, concerns, we’ll make sure that our communication stream is solid so that we perfect and we get to the best use case that we can. But look for V1 coming this summer.

KELLY MAHONEY: Great. We are rolling through these questions. Another one here about the CART feature, specifically. Is that available to use now? Susie’s wondering if she can start using it for summer courses.

DARIA FERDINE: Come on down, Susie. Yeah. Absolutely.

KELLY MAHONEY: We’re friendly. We promise. Let’s see. Next up, also related to CART, what is the hourly rate for CART? I think there’s a few factors that might go into this depending on how certain things work. But whichever one of you is best suited, go right ahead.

DARIA FERDINE: Yeah, definitely. It’s definitely on a school-by-school case basis from a general 3Play services perspective. So more than happy to follow up with a 3Play account rep specifically to my names who are calling and asking about pricing.

KELLY MAHONEY: Great. Next up, so we got an idea here of what percentage of our audience is on V4 versus V5. There might be some people currently migrating or preparing to migrate. How long after that migration can one integrate with 3Play? Is that the kind of thing where you have to wait for the migration to get settled before you can integrate? Can you do it all in one go?

STEPHANIE LAING: So once you’ve migrated, the integration with 3Play is available immediately. And you can do that integration totally independently. I think we have some support doc links that are maybe– well, we can include them in the materials post-webinar. But you can do that totally independently. And it’s available immediately once you’ve migrated.

DARIA FERDINE: I will say, it’s a massive benefit that we’ve seen this happen from schools in previous semesters, where it is of such benefit just to get that integration connected for, you feel like you have your vendors in place for the semester, but life happens, things happen, and you need last minute accommodations, people to fill those accommodations– it’s great to already have that integration hooked up and in place.

So just shouting that out, that’s at no cost to turn that integration on once you do have the communication access module. And it’s definitely been of benefit to customers in the past to have that already set in place for those last minute needs.

KELLY MAHONEY: Speaking of last minute needs, we went over management of requests and things like that. I wanted to ask quickly, what if a student drops a class? How late can orders be canceled or reworked? We know that the add-drop period, there’s a lot going on with students.

STEPHANIE LAING: So you can cancel them and edit them at any time, noting that events that are canceled within 24 hours notice do incur some cost for that canceled event, because we have matched a captioner to it. So for last minute cancellation, you would need to look out for some cost there. But it can be done at any time.

DARIA FERDINE: A great way to flag that, too, with your 3Play account rep during that is to highlight that add-drop period to your 3Play account rep, or customer success manager if you’re already a customer of 3Play. The more insights that we have to that add-drop period, the more flexibility that gives us to be able to help you and to remind you of the parameters in place.

KELLY MAHONEY: Perfect. And with this migration to V5, are there any additional customization options? I think we went over the main highlights of what the biggest differences are, but are there any other extra tools that people get access to? Some secret sauce?

STEPHANIE LAING: I’m not aware of any additional secret sauce, but if folks are interested in additional customization, definitely encourage them to follow up with AIM or with us. We’re always eager for feedback and ways to improve our product.

KELLY MAHONEY: Great. And one last question here. I think this will be the last we have time for. If a school wanted to integrate now, could they do it now without any commitment to students quite yet? If they maybe don’t have the exact requests that they need or their courses filled, can they still just get that set up ahead of time?

STEPHANIE LAING: For sure, yeah. Definitely encourage doing the integration, getting the API key added, testing the API keys, just making sure that it’s working, connected to 3Play, so that you’re all ready to go for when you do eventually want to show captions.

DARIA FERDINE: Yeah. And, like Steph had shouted out as well earlier on, is, yes, absolutely, our bread and butter is this live professional captioning for the classroom setting. But those ad hoc events, those custom requests, the one-offs, the speaker series that might hit your office, we’re totally able and prepared, ready to caption those as well, all within the AIM platform to be scheduled.

KELLY MAHONEY: Great. Well, thank you both so much. I think that is just about all that we have time for. So I’m going to go ahead and wrap this up. Thank you so much, Daria and Stephanie, for an insightful presentation, for sharing all of this with us today.

Thank you so much to everyone in the audience for joining us and for being so engaged with our polls and asking such great questions. Thank you so much again, Daria and Stephanie. Thank you to our audience. And I hope everyone has a great rest of their day.