Developer Documentation


3Play Media’s REST APIs enable you to build automated workflows and custom applications to make your media accessible.



Developer Documentation

3Play Media’s developer documentation provides you with the tools you need to integrate our services into your applications. It covers how to order and post back closed captions, translation, audio description, and live captioning, along with customizations for services. You can use our interactive documentation to test requests against our live APIs in either our Production or Sandbox environment, or use our Postman collection if you prefer.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, our documentation will help you get started quickly and easily. We also offer a variety of resources to help you learn more about our services, including tutorials, code samples, and FAQs.

sample code
Hundreds of Customers Automate Video Accessibility with the 3Play API


UPenn, Newsday, Gaia, RIT logos

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